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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back in the School Routine

In the old days (when I was in school), the school year didn't start until the day after Labor Day.  That would have been today. But for most of us, our kids started school last week, or 2-3 weeks ago!  But with Labor Day officially behind us, we have to admit that the School Routine is now in full swing!

There came a day, a couple years ago, when I began to wonder just how many more sack-lunches I was going to have to make before I could retire from this chore!  Do you ever get sick of making those PB & J sandwiches? Ever wonder if the chips even make it to lunch time, or are smashed to crumbs long before? Get tired of adding the obligatory "fruit" into the sack (because good moms do) even though you doubt it ever gets eaten?  Well, I've been there too.

How easy it is to forget the blessing-side of having to make sack lunches!  Afterall, we make the lunches for our children - blessings from God. We pack the bread, or lunch meat, or string cheese, or fruit, or pudding cups, or cookies...out of our ability to have fresh food. We send water bottles, or Capri Sun, or juice boxes because we are blessed to have funds to pay for it! 

Even though it may seem mundane, and oh-so-never-ending, we have the opportunity to show a little love to our children, in even the littlest things we do, like pack their sack lunches.

3 RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness) for school lunches:
Tuck a "love note" to your child inside their lunchbox, or lunch sack.
Use a cookie-cutter to make a unique shape out of their sandwich.
To send a cupcake (and have it survive), split the cupcake and flip the frosting side down, so that it is now in the middle like filling. It may still be messy, but all the frosting won't be stuck to the plastic bag.

Happy lunch-making!

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